
Lesson 2: Dynamics. Perfect Timing

Before the second lesson I tried to take into account the mistakes of the first one. I not only selected and solved the problems for this lesson, but also estimated the time required for each problem, and made sure that they make 90 minutes in total. Moreover, I marked some problems as optional, in order to skip them in case of the shortage of time. Finally, I used the principle of "two heads is better than one" and consulted my friend about the choise of the problems.

And such good preparation gave its result. This time mission was accomplished, the plan was fulfilled exactly. To be honest, I skipped all optional tasks, but all others was solved. To boost the process, I solved some of the problems myself on the blackboard, asking the children to "help" me before every important move. So, the perfect timing was achieved.

But perfect timing is not enough for a perfect lesson. Later I understood that this time I still tried to squeeze to much into a lesson. I managed to explain all the problems, children understood everything but didn't manage to remember everything. I was too fast. So, the moral is: it is not important, how much you said. Important is how much of what you said settled into the heads of your pupils.

— written on August 21, 2011

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